About us

Make Fast, Accurate, and Informed Decisions with Power BI

Glorious Insight Power BI services guides you through creating world-class business analysis dashboards that integrate today’s most widely used data sources, using any of Microsoft’s Power BI platforms, including the new Power BI Premium. We have worked with 70+ Fortune® 500 companies and led 500+ Power BI engagements. 

We are singularly well-qualified to guide you through successfully designing, architecting, and implementing Power BI in your organization. Using real-world examples and success stories, our team key decisions analysts and developers minutely examines your business requirements, and introduces all the concepts, skills, and techniques you’ll need to achieve your goals.

Our coverage includes:

Aggregating data and data elements from numerous internal and external data sources
Building rich, live dashboards to monitor crucial data from across your organization
Developing dynamic visualizations, including charts, maps, graphs, and more
Taking full advantage of Microsoft’s powerful Power BI Premium
Creating stunning interactive reports
Driving user adoption through effective training
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Our Journey

We bring more than 5 years’ senior experience forging
collaborations across industries and sectors, globally.



60+ members and counting -
Glorious Insight Power BI services grows to 60+ members and has delivered over 100 full-scale projects globally.


The company starts delivery offices in London, Sydney, New York, Dubai to better serve the global clients.


A new unit of the company is started at Hyderabad to provide better delivery experience to the clients.


Technologically-driven individuals came together to launch Glorious Insight Power BI services to work on a collective vision of providing quality tech solutions around Microsoft Power BI and much more.


Glorious Insight becomes Microsoft Gold Partner


The grows into a team of 200+ members with 300+ BI projects delivered successfully.

We are happy to have our clients speak for our services as testimonial of our expertise.

Some of our enterprise customers.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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