Power BI Centre of Excellence (CoE)

We are the Best Power BI Centre of Excellence (CoE) Services Partners

Elevate your business intelligence with Glorious Insight’s Power BI Centre of Excellence (CoE) services. Our CoE is a dedicated hub of BI experts that provides strategic guidance, best practices, training, and support to drive the successful adoption and scaling of Power BI across your organization.

We focus on empowering your business to become data-driven, fostering a culture of analytics, and developing internal competencies for sustainable success.

Some of the features of our Power BI CoE Service include:

Dedicated Centre of Excellence for Power BI
Strategic Guidance and Best Practices
Comprehensive Training and Support
Promotion of Data-Driven Culture
Development of Internal Competencies
Scalable Power BI Adoption
Our Vision Benefits Success Stories
  • At Glorious Insight, our vision for the Power BI Centre of Excellence (CoE) is to provide strategic guidance, best practices, and expert support to enable successful adoption and scaling of Power BI across your organization.
  • We aim to foster a culture of analytics within your business, enabling everyone from executives to front-line employees to make data-driven decisions. We believe that a data-driven culture is key to business success in today's digital age.
  • We also focus on developing internal competencies, providing training and support to build your team's Power BI capabilities. This ensures that your organization has the skills needed to leverage Power BI for business success.
  • Glorious Insight's Power BI CoE services provide a dedicated hub of BI expertise for your business. We provide strategic guidance and best practices, helping you to avoid common pitfalls and accelerate your Power BI adoption.
  • By fostering a culture of analytics, we enable your entire organization to leverage data for decision making. This improves the overall efficiency and effectiveness of your operations.
  • Through our training and support, we help develop your internal Power BI competencies. This empowers your team to effectively use Power BI and ensures the sustainability of your BI efforts.
  • Glorious Insight's Power BI CoE has successfully transformed numerous businesses into data-driven organizations. Our strategic guidance, training, and support have enabled businesses to effectively adopt and leverage Power BI.
  • For instance, we helped a manufacturing company establish their Power BI CoE, which transformed their business operations. The CoE enabled the company to adopt a data-driven culture and make more informed decisions, leading to improved operational efficiency.
  • In another case, our CoE services helped a financial institution scale Power BI across their entire organization. Our training and support helped build their internal competencies, ensuring that they could fully leverage Power BI for improved financial reporting and analysis.


  • 3111 West Allegheny Avenue Pennsylvania 19132
  • 1-982-782-5297
  • support@consultio.com


View our 2020 Medical prospectus of brochure for an easy to read guide on all of the services offer.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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